Coming Soon:
My New Stressy Jessy Workbook!!

It's Time To Look After You... and it starts here with this workbook!

A big colourful 600 page in-depth workbook with a variety of colourful pages of information, therapeutic techniques, worksheets and simple science diagram, all in one place, to help you to live your life in a more balanced life where you can experience stress in a good and healthier way.

Are You a Stressy Jessy!?!

Help Yourself Through The Colourful World of Stress!

This is what is included:

Section 1 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Stress

This section will guide you through the following:

  • Types of Stress
  • Bottle of Stress Analogy
  • Your Four Stress Responses
  • Stress Tolerance Levels
  • Your Autonomic Nervous System
  • How Your Organs, Hormones & Mind Get Activated When You Are Stressed – The Link Between Your Body and Mind
  • Trauma and Stress Responses

Section 2 - Is Your Life Balance Enough?

This section will guide you through the following:

  • A Reflection of Where You Are Today
  • The 80/20 Energy Rule
  • The Weight of Burden, Worry and Stress
  • How to Use a “Troubles” Tree
  • The Stress and Anxiety Cycles
  • Your Wheel of Life
  • Your Life is Just a Game of Jenga – Stressors and Rules

Section 3 - Loving Yourself is Your Job

This section will guide you through the following:

  • Balancing Your Inner Child and Adult Parts
  • Exploring and Connecting with Your Inner Child Part
  • Exploring and Connecting with Your Outer Child Part
  • Exploring and Connecting with Your Adult Part
  • Identifying Which Part is Coming Forward
  • How to show Some Gratitude – Attitude of Gratitude
  • Knowing How to Receive and Give Love to Self and Others
  • Learning to Forgive Yourself
  • Changing How You Talk to Your Self – Your Negative to Positive Self-talk
  • Find the Flow and Savour the Day
  • Nurturing Social Relationships
  • Practice Random Acts of Kindness
  • Your Perception, Your Mindset, Your Attitude

Section 4 - Getting Enough Rest & Sleep

Section 5 - Your Body is Your Home

This section will guide you through the following:

  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Posture
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Breathing
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Eyes
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Touch
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Your Senses All Together
  • Noticing How Your Body Helps You Through Dissociation
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Your Emotions
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Feeling Your Energy System
  • Noticing How Your Body Communicates Through Physical & Emotional Pain
  • How to Communicate with Your Body in Other Ways
  • Using Your Body to Release Stress and Trauma
  • How to Start to Exercise Your Body

Section 6 - Fuelling Your Body & Mind

This section will guide you through the following:

  • All Foods You Eat Fuel Your Body with Energy
  • How Energy is Used in Your Body
  • Foods to Eat to Help to Reduce Stress in Your Body 
  • How Stress Affects You Fuelling Your Body Effectively
  • Learn Different Ways to Eat
  • Are You Emotionally or Physically Hungry?
  • Food for Thought 

Section 7 - Stress Caused Through How You Relate to Yourself

This section will guide you through the following:

  • What You Feel About Yourself - Sense of Self, Self-Image etc
  • Your Negative Thoughts, Overthinking and Worries
  • Your Negative Emotions and Feelings
  • Getting Your Needs Met in a Healthier Way
  • Changing Your Avoidant and Compulsive Behaviours
  • Coming Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Changing Your Negative Learned Behaviours and Habits
  • Understanding and Changing Your Values, Attitudes and Behaviours (Rules)
  • Identifying and Changing Your Limiting Beliefs and Rules
  • Identifying and Processing Your Inner Conflicts and Defence Mechanisms
  • Changing Your Feelings of Boredom, Satiety and Not Feeling Fulfilled
  • Understand and Processing Your Grief and Sadness

Section 8 - Stress Caused Through How You Relate to Others

This section will guide you through the following:

  • Understanding and Processing Your Emotional Attachment to Others
  • Working Through Communication Issues with Others
  • Detaching From Others with Love
  • Creating Healthy Boundaries with Others
  • What to do When Things Feel Out of Control with Others
  • Gaining Support Around You from Others
  • Responding Healthier to Others
  • Learning How to Manage Your Workload / Stressors

Section 9 - It Is Your Future.  It Is Yours to Create

This section will guide you through the following:

  • Well Formed Outcomes
  • Vision Board Ideas
  • Creating the Future You

Section 10 - Using Self-Hypnosis to Reduce Your Stress

This section will guide you through the following:

  • What Can Hypnotherapy and Self-Hypnosis be Helpful For and How it Works
  • Important Information to Consider - e.g. Contraindications
  • Differences Between Self-Hypnosis and Guided Meditation
  • Self-Hypnosis Recordings to Download

Here are some example pages for you to see.....

Are You a Stressy Jessy!?!

Help Yourself Through The Colourful World of Stress!


First Part of the Book - Sections i, ii and iii

The first section is a mini version of the book to help you in the NOW because you may be so overwhelmed with stress. This section will help you to: i. Create a sense of safety and turning off your fear / freeze states.  It will then help you to understand that; ii. There is strength and courage in being vulnerable enough to recognise that you are struggling with your stress bottle and all of your stressors that are shaking it a lot to the point where you cannot cope anymore. It will then enable you to learn simple and easy new skills and resources to: iii. keep practising and change your neural pathways to create that sense of safety and to bring down your stress levels for you NOW and then in the future to be able to help you to delve deeper into the rest of the workbook. 

Remember that only YOU can do this.  Others can assist you, however, only YOU can change things for YOU.

The Rest of the Book - Sections –1 to 10

You have now started to also gain back some safety for yourself.  You may even be feeling less anxious, and you may now have enough mental and physical capacity to perhaps be able to learn more about stress to help you to learn to not have to go through what you have just been through again.  To learn about what causes anxiety and stress and where you are with your own levels of stress now.  To learn about the goodthe bad and ugly levels of stress together with the four stress responses (see section 1) and how your mind and body are connected both scientifically and spiritually, and to learn and become aware of how stressed you are and how you react to it.  To then be able to be curious enough to check out whether your current life is balanced enough? (see section 2) as well as finding out about your own Jenga Life Tower and the stressors within it and how to change them to lessen your stressors perhaps.

Next will be about learning that “Loving Yourself is Your Job” (see section 3).  To be able to learn how to take time to look after yourself first, yes YOU first.  Like the old cliché says “putting the oxygen mask on yourself first”, you can then move forward to be able to look after other people in the way that you want to without continuing to self-abandon yourself like you have been in the role of being a serve-aholic in some way or another perhaps.  You will start to notice that you are now taking more care of yourself both internally and externally.  You are strengthening your adult self to take responsibility for you because you are learning that you matter a lot, you matter just as much as everyone else.  You are starting to become aware that you are allowed to have your own needs and wants in all relationships and starting to become your own best friend and to become the adult self who takes responsibility for all those inner child parts / younger selves within your inner world.

Remember the only person who is truly here to take care of YOU is YOU. Therefore, ask yourself “What would I do today if I was taking care of my human?”

To be able within this section to look at how you can build up your own positivity, your own cheerleader, best friend and learning how gratitude can help to build up your self-esteem.

This will help you to go on and learn more about your body and what amazing things it actually does for you (visit Section 4), how to fuel your mind and body in a nourishing way (see section 5), and how to get enough sleep, rest, self-care and “me time” (see section 6) as these are really important factors that are essential to your survival and to be able to thrive.  These are things that are often not prioritised as much as they need to be and get forgotten more often than not because of the way society has made our lives busier, more productive, working long hours and convenience and everything is readily available without moving. 

As you may have noticed the first few sections of this book have all been about you.  This is so important to become aware of because there is only one of you, you are unique, and nobody is the same as you.  As Matthew Hussey says:

“Loving yourself today is your job. You were given a human: YOU”.

This book then gives you the opportunity to go deeper within yourself, to learn more about yourself internally (your own sense of self) and how YOU do YOU presently in your outer world.  To look at how you can change your compulsive and avoidant behaviours, your negative triggers and habits and challenge your negative thoughts etc.  To learn and look at your own core values, beliefs and rules you are following every day that you are just running automatically and how your feelings show you what needs you are trying to fulfil for yourself (see section 7). 

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. 
The mind is everything. What we think we become." - The Buddha

To then also give yourself the opportunity to be curious to explore and learn new skills and resources to help you to relate to others externally (see section 8)To understanding and process your emotional attachments to others, and working through communication issues with others.  To perhaps learn how to detach with love when relationships are beyond any repair.  To learning how to create healthy boundaries with others and learning what to do when things feel out of control with others, and you therefore feel so stressed about it not knowing what to do next. Learning how to gain support around you from others and how to respond healthier to them if are feeling that you are not being heard.  Also learning how to manage your workload and stressors by practicing new therapeutic techniques and resources to help you with this. 

To then start learning “It Is Your Future. It Is Yours to Create” (see section 9) by completing therapeutic techniques and worksheets that focus on what you want for your future such as vision boards, goals etc.

To then learn about self-hypnosis and guided meditation and how they can both help you short term and long term (see section 10).

And Finally to reflect on how far you have gone on your healing journey around what keeps you so stressed. A reflection of where you are with your Stress Levels and to note what changes you have made to help yourself becomes more balanced in life with being able to manage your stressors, your stress responses, triggers etc and to how much more you have introduced healthier ways of coping with those stressors and stress responses and learned so much about yourself that you have added awareness and light to your inner world, acknowledged and validated what you have been through and now are helping yourself to feel more gratitude, kindness and compassion for who you have been to who you are now.  To continue to recognise the work you are doing for yourself to help you to move towards this balance in your life you now want and to bring down your stress levels to a level that you can appreciate good stress once again to motivate you even more.

So, let’s begin……. Let’s go on this colourful world of stress journey together…..

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